Please Read Before Posting: Springboard Community Guidelines

Arit Nsemo
Arit Nsemo Administrator
edited January 23 in General

Be Respectful and Inclusive 😎

Treat others with respect and kindness. Avoid discriminatory language, offensive comments, or any form of harassment. Embrace diversity and foster an inclusive community where everyone feels welcome.

Stay On Topic 📕

Keep discussions focused on topics related to Searchspring and the eCommerce landscape. If you have off-topic ideas, consider starting a separate discussion – we love this kind of engagement!

Share Constructive Feedback 👻

Provide constructive feedback and contribute positively to discussions, especially when interacting with members of the Searchspring team – we want to hear the feedback! Please avoid personal attacks or unproductive criticism. 

Protect Privacy 🕵️

Respect the privacy of others. We want you to be able to connect with community members, but please avoid publicly sharing personal information within the community. 

No Self-Promotion or Spam 🗣️

We definitely want you to share if you’ve implemented a best practice that works! However, please refrain from excessive self-promotion or spamming the community with unrelated content.

Be Authentic 👾

Represent yourself truthfully. Authenticity builds trust within the community.

Use Appropriate Language 🤐

Keep language professional and appropriate for all audiences. 

Respect Intellectual Property ™️

Do not share copyrighted material without permission. When sharing content, ensure you have the right to do so, and give proper credit to the original creators.

Report Inappropriate Content 😳

If you come across content that violates community guidelines, report it to the moderators. Help maintain a safe and positive community environment.

Engage, Have Fun, and Learn 📚️

Actively participate in discussions, share your insights, and contribute to the community’s growth.