New Feature Release: 🎉NLP for Search🎉


NLP (Natural Language Processing) for Search

What is it?

NLP uses AI, specifically a Large Language Model, to identify keywords.

How does it work?

NLP will scan your "description" field, extract keywords, and make them searchable.

What is the benefit?

The "description" field is often filled with a large amount of words. Instead of making all those words searchable, NLP will extract the keywords. In turn, this allows more keywords related to your products to be searchable without having to do more work.

How can it show improvements?

  • Search Insights Report - increase in the number of products returned for popular searches.
  • Zero Results Report - reduction in the total/avg number of zero results searches.
  • Expanded Searches Report - reduction in the total/avg number searches that trigger an expanded search.
  • Spell Correction Report - reduction in the number of queries that were wrongly corrected due to no matches in the available data.

How can you get this feature?

This feature will be available at no extra cost for all customers on the Expert plan. Our expert customers can reach out to the Customer Success team to get this enabled in the near future.

If you have the Essential or Advanced plan, please reach out to our team to evaluate the Expert plan's features and benefits.


If you have any more questions, please comment below or reach out to your customer success team.