Limited time, 1-person team, or lean team?


Need some help maximizing your Searchspring usage with the limited time you have? I will address the challenge of small teams, leaning on technology, and creating scalable processes. Make sure to check out the User Guide attachment!

In ChatGPT's response to my question "what is the biggest struggle for online merchandisers who have small teams and many responsibilities?", it said "One of the biggest struggles for small teams is often the challenge of balancing numerous responsibilities, such as product sourcing, marketing, customer service, and logistics, without sufficient manpower (or womanpower… common ChatGPT). This can lead to stretched resources, longer working hours, and difficulty in maintaining consistency and quality across all areas of operation". 😧

So I guess the question is "How do you put on your Elastigirl or Mister Fantastic superhero suit and mask and get to all the responsibilities you have to manage?"

My answer is to lean on technology and scalable processes!

Technology: that is why you signed up for Searchspring in the first place! We need automation, personalization, machine learning, and AI. We need search that works and merchandising rules to help promote the right products in categories/collection pages.

Scalable Processes: while you can rely on technology, there are also times when a merchandiser's knowledge and expertise are needed to direct the technology. I've spent the last 2 years working with merchandisers on ways to lean on technology and use scalable and practical processes to get more from your Searchspring account.

Attached you will find my Searchspring Lite User Guide.

  • SMC Section column links to the section of Searchspring
  • Action column suggests steps that you can take
  • Frequency column includes general suggestions for how often you should review
  • Training Resources column links to practical training videos and help articles

If you have come up with creative ways to get the most out of your Searchspring account while having a lean team, I'd love to hear what you are doing to maximize your Searchspring account with scalable processes!