2 Stores - 1 Account


We have 2 websites that are set up under the same searchspring dashboard. When someone visits 1 of the ecommerce sites and leaves they receive duel emails from both sites. Anyone else experiencing this and figure out a solution? Support said they have a solution about 3 weeks ago but the problem still persists.


  • TylerBenjamin


    Regarding your concern, Searchspring primarily focuses on injecting recommendation carousels into email workflows rather than directly sending emails to visitors who have left the site. Typically, issues related to email configuration and delivery are managed by your email provider.

    Given your situation, it's advisable to revisit the configuration settings with your email provider to ensure there are no misconfigurations causing this duplication. They should be able to provide further assistance in resolving this matter.

    Please let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with.